Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Free write on "Have you ever given birth to a baby"?

I had my first child at the tender age of 38. Actually I had Adam on Nov 5, 2000 and turned 38 on Nov 18th.
What I thought would happen and what happened were two Totally different things. It's absolutely amazing the amount of things that go through your mind when your expecting a baby. I can't speak for all women but, I can tell you that one minute I was thinking about a labor plan and the next minute about what color to paint the nursery. The one question I asked myself over and over again was, "Can I really do this"? Delivering a baby is such a natural process. Your body makes all of the hormones it needs and your muscles contract all on there own. The biggest challenge for me was coping with the pain. Ah yes the pain, they say you forget about it once the baby's born. B.S. I vividly remember how I was sure that I would be dying any second after the doctor broke my bag of water. The nurses did there best to have the anesthesiologist there asap but in those 5 minutes
I was sure it was over. Now for the epidural, God love that doctors heart. He had the medicine working in record time and the relief was so overwhelming that I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheek and nearly fell out of bed doing it! My legs where completely numb so my balance was off a little bit. 4 hours later the doctor said I was ready to deliver and I dutifully followed all of the instructions the nurses gave me. Adam was born at 10:20 pm and I was born a parent.  I don't think there are any words that can express the transformation that takes place in you when you've had a baby. You can mark my words though, you'll discover the true meaning of Love and Patience.


  1. I agree so much to everything you have said in your writings. I find your description of the pain and the medicines used very interesting especially how you put feeling into your words of how thankful you were of the doctor. The only thing I think may be lacking information wise is maybe where this occurred and maybe how long your were in labor. I think the only problem I have with the style is again the sentences and topics were well thought out, free writing is anything that comes to mind on the topic!!! I can and cannot relate to this topic, I was in labor with my son for about 18 hours with my water broke for 10 of that, I refused pain medication because for some reason I wanted to do everything natural, so much for that Idea I ended up having an emergency c-section, so i definitely can relate on the labor but not delivery.

  2. Giving birth to a child is so intense. I found it interesting for you explained what exactly was going through your mind when you were giving birth to your child. Were you well prepared for your daughter after having Adam? I like the details, however maybe adding descriptions such as your sons weight would be beneficial to improve the details. I watched my sister give birth to both of her children and can relate to the pain that was described during the contractions and giving birth.

  3. I love how you shine two different lights on this topic; that of the logical and that of the emotional. Well done! I like that you end with a conclusion and memorable ending. Many people will relate and feel heart warmed by this story. Your personality shines through your writings, I can feel the truth in what you say.

  4. I love how you write just as you would say it, I can hear you telling me the story as I read.
